Oxygen Not Included Wiki
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for RP-381414. It may contain inaccuracies.
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for RP-381414. It may contain inaccuracies.

Bleach Stone is a Consumable Ore that emits Chlorine in its mined state.

Usage[ | ]

  • Hand sanitizer requires supply of Bleach Stone to operate (70 g per use).
  • Waterweed domestic growth requires 500 g/cycle Bleach Stone.
  • Bleach stone can be used as a bait in Airborne Critter Bait to attract Puft Princes and Squeaky Pufts.
  • Hot tub requires Bleach stone.
  • Geotuners require Bleach Stone when geotuning any kind of water vents and geysers.

Production[ | ]

  • Puft Princes and Squeaky Pufts can breathe Chlorine and excrete Bleach Stone.
  • The Bleach Stone Hopper creates it using Salt and Gold.
  • Spaced Out Logo It can be harvested on rocket missions to renewable Space POIs:
    • In Chlorine Clouds at a rate of 405 – 1215 kg per cycle.
    • In Radioactive Asteroid Fields at a rate of 9.1 – 36.4 kg per cycle.

Tips[ | ]

Bleach Stone has specific storage recommendations, due to the fact that it will convert to Chlorine. An airtight area is advisable. Bleach Stone will not convert to Chlorine gas if surrounded by high-pressure gases (1800 g/tile) - Carbon Dioxide pit entered from above can be used to safely store Bleach Stone; or submerging it in a liquid tile with sufficient mass (either in a container or as debris) will prevent chlorine conversion as well. An easy way to do this is to set an Automatic Dispenser to drop it into a 1-tile deep pool of Water, configured to sweep-only to avoid infinite loops.
